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Thinking outside the [box] We enjoy inventing smart devices while using the latest technologies. We use IIoT and Industry 4.0. We make production and industry more efficient. We constantly look for new solutions. We are not afraid of non-traditional approaches. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed cursus id quam et sagittis. Nam ipsum eros, tincidunt ullamcorper augue laoreet, tincidunt mattis nunc. Donec tristique turpis id mi aliquam auctor Thinking outside the [box]
Our Services


vm engineering stroj machine

Why to work with VM ENGINEERING?

accuracy | flexibility | performance | reliability

We are a professional and stable company with purely Czech capital and state-of-the-art know-how.

1. We use only the newest technologies.
2. Our machines come from green energy. 
3. We are a member of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics
4. We cooperate with university innovation centers (Czech Technical University in Prague, College of Polytechnics in Jihlava) and the Innovation Center of the Ústí nad Labem region.
5. Our industrial partners are eg. Siemens, Kuka, ABB, Festo.
6. We provide unlimited post-installation service.
7. We are flexible and physically close to the customer.

Our company in figures

We have carried out 102 projects​
0 %
We have produced all our production equipment from 100% green energy​
0 tis
Our machines are in reliable operation for over 150,000 hours​
0 %
We have made production more efficient for our clients by 200%​
Our Work

Case Studies

Our camera systems control the quality of eg. the parts supplier for Lamborghini and Audi. See how we work.


We have implemented successful projects for:

Our Team

Let us introduce
you our engineers

anicka vm engineering
Nákup / Purchasing

Anna Jindrová

vlada ceo vm engineering
Obchod / Business

Vladimír Malý

libuse vm engineering

Libuše Kalinová

kamil vm engineering
Výroba / Production

Kamil Štěpnička


VM ENGINEERING s.r.o. | Registration Number: 28748131 | International Registration Number: CZ28748131

Free Consultation

Do you want to know how specifically we would make your production process more efficient? Book a free consultation.

    Contact us

    Do you want to know how specifically we would make your production process more efficient? Book a free consultation.